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Christian Vegetarian Association Presents:
Take Heart!
The Suffering of God’s Animals

Timothy Pachirat, a doctoral candidate in political science seeking to understand the normalization of violence in society and who wrote a book titled Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight, took a job at a slaughterhouse in Omaha, NE. In this article, Mark Bittman, refers to Pachirat as he exposes one of the main reasons to reduce or eliminate animal products from one’s diet: animal suffering. In regards to eating meat Pachirat stated, “It’s just not worth the pleasure when you know the system.”

Please visit The Human Cost of Animal Suffering:
God’s farmed animals endure unimaginable abuse at factory farms and slaughterhouses around the world; and still most people around the world still support the meat, egg and dairy industries. I think the main reason is that these industries are doing everything in their power to keep people disconnected from their food choices and to keep the suffering of animals hidden from the public. However, the victimization of God’s animals is being exposed like never before, and Christians are now faced with the choice of supporting cruelty or embracing compassion and justice. It’s a choice we have to make. 

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